January 09, 2015 Press Release

DS Graphics Adds Handwriting Automation Personalization to Direct Mail Printing Service


Award-winning commercial printing company DS Graphics (DSG) has added handwriting personalization to its direct mail service offerings, growing its arsenal of state-of-the-art equipment with the addition of Ghostwriter Max hand writer automation devices. Hand writing automation provides fully automated personalization to DSG's print marketing and direct mail services through the ability to sign large quantities of documents and direct mail pieces. Unlike email or digital marketing campaigns, only direct mail offers a handwritten note from brands and service providers. Studies show that a personalized note can increase response rates to marketing campaigns by 30-50% – a figure not to be ignored, especially by companies looking for a way to stand out among competitors, cut through the noise of modern day life, and build loyal, successful long-term relationships with valuable customers and clients.

These new machines automatically feed and sign documents and other items. The paper catch tray is integrated and retractable for manual operation and storage, while the Ghostwriter Max-T uses any writing instrument such as ballpoint, felt-tip, fountain, or calligraphy pens, pencils, permanent markers…even crayons! Ghostwriter signature machines are the ONLY digital autopen Made in the USA, and can be configured for both your functional and budget needs.

Stamped signatures are simple and effective, but the handwritten signature is more powerful. Emily Post, the doyenne of good manners, believes that there is still a place for handwritten notes in our fast-paced society, despite the fact that many companies resort to a stamped signature kept on file for mailing en masse. Now, with efficiency, DSG offers marketers a way to get both personalization and priority response rates on printed direct mail marketing materials.

Most customers can easily tell the difference between a handwritten signature and a stamped signature, and data shows that people respond overwhelmingly to the idea that someone has taken the time to hand sign something before sending it. Handwritten notes are the first piece someone is likely to pick up and open in a stack of mail. Because they are so scarce in modern day life, handwritten notes are perceived as more valuable.